All information about the bitcoin,litecoin wallet, namely file wallet.dat.

Before the restore a purse you must first find the file.
In windows 7, windows vista, windows 8, windows 8.1 and windows 10 it can be found in the%AppData%Bitcoin directory
All transactions and balance of the purse be stored in the file wallet.dat.
If you have forgotten the password to your bitcoin wallet, we can help you.
To do this, you need to go to the password reset to bitcoin
and place your order through the sending of an encrypted file wallet.dat.
If you are afraid send this file to our service, you can retrieve from this private key file from wallet.dat
And already it send through the form to send private keys has
The private key you can get using the program JohnTheRipper
1) will need to put python package
2) upload your wallet bitkoina in the directory JohnTheRipper/run/
3) run the command python ./ wallet.dat
4) Received a hash type $bitcoin $96$ … … … … … … … send to us via the order form above hash.


Download the package can be at this address


If you see an error on the screen:

C:\bitcoin2john> wallet.dat >hash.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\bitcoin2john\”, line 10, in
from bsddb.db import *
ImportError: No module named ‘bsddb’

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\bitcoin2john\”, line 12, in
from bsddb3.db import *
ImportError: No module named ‘bsddb3’

No module named 'bsddb3'

No module named ‘bsddb3’

Then please try to deliver version python-2.6.

And again, dial the team :
C:\Python26\python wallet.dat >hash.txt

Either by adding a variable python

If you have any questions, please write bravely our consultants.